domenica 16 agosto 2009


Innovative business support for creative industries in Brighton & Hove
A series of free events designed to offer immediate support to creative businesses in Brighton & Hove were announced today. Topics covered will include Fundraising, Marketing and Diversification of products and services.

PRLog (Press Release) – Aug 13, 2009 – Three interactive sessions will run on 9th and 23rd September and 7th October at The Basement on Kensington Street as part of the ‘Business Lifebelt’* package that has been running since March to help businesses in the city get through the recession.

To ensure the events meet the needs of this sector they have been developed in partnership with Creative Brighton, the South Coast Design Forum, Brighton University and the University of Sussex.

The three events aim to provide valuable advice and knowledge from industry specialists and will promote and facilitate peer-to-peer support and networking.

The events are open to all individuals and businesses within arts, music, theatre, entertainment and performance, design, film, literature, venues and more.

Lisa Holloway, Chair of Creative Brighton
“The Business Lifebelt events are designed to provide practical advice and excellent contacts for anyone running or working within a creative organisation. I am delighted that we are able to work in partnership across a range of organisations and subsectors of the creative industries to bring together a wealth of experience and to support each other in these challenging times. There is an immense range of creative talent within the city and It’s time for us to work with each other to find innovative ways to collaborate! Let’s share our collective knowledge, keep each other informed and have some fun.”

The first event on 9th September features an expert panel including Creative Law and Business founder, Dean Marsh – lawyer to Fatboy Slim, urban music supremo and Director of Beachdown Festival, Joe Pigeon, Ian Elwick, Director of creative workspace, The Werks and experienced finance advisor to the industry, as well as Anne Boddington, Dean of Faculty, Arts & Architecture at Brighton University. All events will be chaired by Lisa Holloway, Chair, Creative Brighton and Fundraising Manager for music festival, The Great Escape.

Wednesday 9th September
Show me the money! Creative financing for creative people

Wednesday 23rd September
The secret of my success – Effective marketing for creative businesses

Wednesday 8th October
Have you got the X, Y and Z factor – Why diversifying your talents can grow your business

Where and what time?
The Basement, Kensington Street, Brighton, BN1 4AJ
6.30pm - 9.00pm
Free to attend but places are limited so please book in advance at:
Or call 01273 719 097


Sarah Springford, Director
Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce
01273 719 097

Or Fay MacDonald, Events Chair, Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce
Director, Diosa Media Ltd
07880 896 131

Alan Stone
Press Officer
Brighton & Hove City Council
01273 291034

*Business Lifebelt has been developed by Brighton & Hove City Council and is being delivered by Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Business Link.

Useful Links

Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce

Brighton & Hove City Council

Business Link Sussex

Creative Brighton

South Coast Design Forum

University of Sussex

University of Brighton

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