venerdì 25 settembre 2009
Stainless steel jewels business pack
For home based Moms this is an offer for your launch. Business pack
You need to start your own business? We are offering you a business opportunity of a lifetime. Stainless steel Jewels business pack. Contains various styles and you have a possibility of mixing them the way you want.Email us now your inquiries and start off your home business.
mercoledì 23 settembre 2009
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation
I live in Thailand currently and I have visited many plastic recycling companies. This is huge business but like any other business you need to have money to invest and money to keep it going for heavy machinery that is required.
But come to think of it, let's take my country Kenya, I read every now and then about the garbage problems there. I want to imagine that a grassroot organisation can do collecting and sorting of garbage and sell these scrap to recycling companies and make money. I really want to believe it is possible to do it.
I run a blog on Recycling: Reduce, reuse and recycle you can visit it here just to get some small ideas of this market.
And like I said I know most grassroot organisations have internet access and can take time to do some research for this idea but incase your grassroot is interested and you have limited time you can always email me I will do the research for you and mail them to you.
Collecting garbage, sorting it out and selling to recyclers not even in your country but even abroad. There are websites dealing with selling of scrap wastes and gold mines for something like this.
Think about it as usual mail me for help especially research into more info and also send us your ideas to help these communities.
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation: Selling on Ebay, Starting with Ebay
Ebay Tutorial here
Like every other business platform the first thing you do is to register yourself. Registration on ebay is free and only takes a few minutes.
To create a seller's account, you need to verify your identity and select how you will pay your seller fees. To verify your identity, you can either provide credit card information or verify your identity by phone. When you provide credit card you can opt to use this credit card to pay your seller fees, or opt for a different method of payment like paypal etc.
To register, click on the 'Sell' tab at the top of any eBay page.
Now you are registered whats the next step?
Selling on Ebay: Selling Basics
Now that you are already registered you can start selling. From here on I advice you to follow this tutorial on ebay pages. You and your grassroot organisation members really need to have patience as it might not automatic the first listing to convert into a sale. You also need to let people know that your organisation is now selling the local crafts and arts or whatever it is on ebay and you need their support. Then take time to research ideas of making it even better, more about listings and so on there are billions of articles out there showing you how to have success with ebay.
Just remember our Motto!
To better our people, help each other while helping ourselves. Give excellent services to your buyers and they will come back. I know most grassroots have already friends all over the world and willingly many are ready to help in many ways give ideas on yor new adventure. You will get there. I know and believe that we can really better our communities with such ideas without having to wait for someone to send us 10 dollars.
Keep following and working
martedì 22 settembre 2009
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation: Selling on Ebay
According to moneyaol EBAY USERS TRADED $52 billion worth of merchandise last year. While some folks are content to make a few bucks cleaning out their closets, nearly one million people depend on the auction web site for all or part of their income.
Don't you think your village initiative can have something to sell on ebay too? Time for sitting back and searching for grants is over time for action is here it's now..
I hope you have heard much about ebay. If not just go see the page here and come back because their is great money making ideas we are going to see. If you have heard about ebay before then just sit back, take a pen and paper and start listing down the kind of crafts produced in your village, what are members of your grassroot organisation able to do?
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation: Cashing in on rural tourism
The first idea that comes into my mind is tourism: Rural tourism.
Many tourists are looking for authentic tours. What better way than team up with local travel agents and design packages for tourists who are interested in seeing the real life in a village and benefit the community engaging the people and your grassroot to bring about change, create money and move on to other bigger projects.
Key is need to work together, share ideas, avoid greed. Point is wanting something good for you and others and making your community a better place for all.
As many grassroot villages have already some kind of websites promote your initiatives, get more information from international volunteers who have ideas to share with you on the subject of your plan
(Many grassroot villages who are currently able to do fundraising online for various use - pay bills, fees etc) think of a small fundraising to create a business that can allow you to grow the seed money every month.
lunedì 21 settembre 2009
Giving Aid money to governments?
How can the internet age help Africa?
Welcome to talk about money ideas for rural grassroots initiatives
Your comments are most welcome
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation: Payper post
In this post Im going to talk about Pay Per Post and his brother Social spark
You get projects for the ones that you qualify and you have certain number of words, include link and text.Lately I haven't found many opportunities I bet the recession is everywhere but I have made some money from Pay per post and you are paid through PayPal. If you are in for such an adventure then yours to try.
Just need to register and you are ready to post and get paid.
Nb. Disclosure is needed on the site.
domenica 20 settembre 2009
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation part 2 adsense account
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation in my beloved Africa: You start Google AdSense Account and start making money by blogging and start helping your small grassroot initiative. Step by step and you will get there
Making money from adsense from your blogger free blogs, Wordpress or your grassroot initiative website whichever way think we are living in the time when the most important thing is learn to fish. Need just 10 minutes to open your account.
How to open google adsense account
The most important thing is to read well the Google AdSense program policies.
Then go to Google Adsense home page
Google adsense homepage here
When you are there just click on the 'Sign Up Now'
-hen complete the online application by giving your blog or website URL and the language you will also need to provide your payment information to be able to receive the money you generate.
-Next step is to go to your account and get the advertising options like text ads and images etc.
Now create your ads you will get code to paste in your blog or website.
It will take google sometime before they can crawl the pages but it is ok trust google everything will be alright. You do not need to sit back yet. There is whole lots of information to benefit from. Make this blog your daily stop to see more help that will be coming your way.
Read and follow Google AdSense policies.
If you violate any of the policies risk seeing your account being cancelled.
It will take some time perfect your google skills but with this blog I will research for you every bit of information that can help your grassroot initiative grow with Google.
Keep Reading
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation
Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation in my beloved Africa
Some grassroot organisations in Africa could make some money from Google Adsense if they knew about this opportunity.
What is Google AdSense?
Maybe or maybe not you have heard about google adsense and how google adsense works?
But the question is can you really make money by having google place ads on your website or blogs? Then, if it is true you can make money with google adsense how much can you make?
The most basic google adsense information for grassroot to know.
Google adsense works with the keywords. For example a village in Kenya who have a website in their activities trying to help the needy and the orphans would need keywords like
charity, child sponsor,sponsor a child,child sponsorship,aid children,africa children ,children charities,charity children,needy people,donations to charity,charity donations,charity donation
What you need?
First your grassroot organisation should have a website or a blog which for a blog you can have free from blogger (google platform) before you can apply for a Google Adsense account and start pulling in profits from Google AdSense.
Invest in your own domain. Once you have your professional website in order then go to google and apply for adsense it is absolutely free for all.
Once your website or blog has been accepted, Google will give you code to paste on your site, this enables google to start placing ads on your sites which are relevant to your content
Somebody will ask what about making money?
Google himself makes money by advertising and this means when he places ads on your site you are helping them advertise and so when people click on those adverts you get a % of the money. ANd you can always check your earnings from Google and when you reach 100 Us dollars he sends you a cheque.
For more informatio you can always go to
Money ideas for grassroots organisations:Starting a blog
I'm familiar with blogger so this is how we go about it. In the next few days will try to find volunteer who has inside information on how to open with word press and others.
To start blogging with blogger (blogspot), It is absolutely free and you can even monetise it with ads either from google or from other sources.
1st step
visit the home page and select the button "Create Your Blog Now" button to begin the process to start your new blog.
This is the entrance door!
If you have a google account then this page will not be presented because you will only need to sign in on gmail. If have no Google account, you'll need to create one by completing the form on this page.
Then move to the next step
If you already have a Google account, you can jump step 2 the one on the "Create Google Account" step and just sign in with your existing Google account username and password.
Give a name to your New Blog
In the blog address url put the name you wish to give your blog then click check availability if it is available then give also the title. You are done with this step. For now you do not want to host your blog elsewhere so after the title and url availability just click continue:
here you only need to do this select a template for your blog.
I must send you now my warmest Congrats - Your New Blog is Active and you can start posting! Welcome aboard the blogging world.
From number 6 if you click start posting then it will bring you here and now hands on the computer and post your first post for the world to read.
sabato 19 settembre 2009
How to make money from wherever
Investment Scams: Avoiding Online Investment Scams
Note: Instead of jumping into the first mouth watering scheme that gets to your email, read more research more.
Resources on
Internet Fraud: How to Avoid Internet Investment Scams
Avoiding Online Investment Scams
Make lot's of money posting links on google
The billion dollar company has never opened it's doors to hire from the public before. As of January 2009 the company was worth approximately 220 billion dollars and is the most used internet search engine in the world.
Today they have openend their doors and will be hiring thousands of people to simply posting links from the comfort of their homes.
Step 1:
Get Easy Google Profit
Step 2:
Post Links given to you by Google
Step 3:
Deposit the check Google sends you!
venerdì 18 settembre 2009
mercoledì 16 settembre 2009
Making money on swine flu hype what do you think?
Someone says you can make tons of money by taking advantage of all the hype on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness.Looking at trending topics like the swine flu incubation period what does cdc swine flu page says and mapping the swine flu deaths or just constantly watching out on swine flu update and hopefully getting insider tips on tamiflu swine flu etc. All this anyway you can go to swineflualerts.blogspot where you will find relevant information on swineflu
looks like there is good money to be cashed on business of pandemic influenza preparedness but how?
By writing a book on consequences of a pandemic like swineflu H1N1
or even a documentary for specifics searche the internet on how to.
Think of other over hyped happenings and think of a key idea if you do come back and let me know I woun't share with anyone.
Recession to riches: Come to think of it!
what are the tags that we are going to keep in mind?
millions of people looking for free money online, unfortunately i must disappoint you might be difficult or zero chance of free money good news is that the internet can help us find more satisfying jobs online When it comes to google money,make money fast,online surveys,online money making,making money,work online,surveys there are ways of making money online but my friend nothing is easy as you put it, you will find many websites promising you to be millionaire overnite but I doubt if it was easy we all could be millionaires by now. Think of ideas that can make you money while you make free websites for people and what ideas you have in store for an online business
Recession to riches: Come to think of it!
From Rags to Riches in Recession stories from the web:
What a better way to start than with a nice read?
what are the tags that we are going to keep in mind?
millions of people looking for free money online, unfortunately i must disappoint you might be difficult or zero chance of free money good news is that the internet can help us find more satisfying jobs online When it comes to google money,make money fast,online surveys,online money making,making money,work online,surveys there are ways of making money online but my friend nothing is easy as you put it, you will find many websites promising you to be millionaire overnite but I doubt if it was easy we all could be millionaires by now. Think of ideas that can make you money while you make free websites for people and what ideas you have in store for an online business
martedì 15 settembre 2009
Quote of the day
Tags: si vis pacem para bellum, si vis pacem para bellum.
lunedì 14 settembre 2009
Entirely FREE Money Making Opportunity
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sabato 12 settembre 2009
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venerdì 11 settembre 2009
Thinking I will never have pension in my life...Pension Millionaires
I love to read the Chicago Sun-Times when I can. I went to visit like I do sometime and I found this calling juicy topic on Pension.
I read the article then went to see Photos of "Pension millionaires Search" and I thought Jesus to myself, and the reality came down to me I have a degree in Agricultural education and extension 8 years ago no work experience, I can speak and write Italian,English and Swahili. I have travelled to many countries, I have good knowledge of computers and full time blogger, wife, Mom and currently in Bangkok wow..then I realised that forget about Pension Millionaires I will not even have a bank account if the current trend of finance on my side goes on.
Any of the Pension Millionaires who would like to loan a business idea of mine just let me know.
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES INVESTIGATION: You're paying their public pensions, fat retirements Want to retire with a fat pension? Get a government job in Illinois. Nearly 4,000 retired government workers have pensions that pay them at least $100,000 a year. They include politicians, judges, doctors and school administrators, as well as top cops, firefighters and park officials.
mercoledì 2 settembre 2009
Make money ideas
Kenya's toilet mall
A Kenyan entrepreneur has found a novel way to fulfill a basic need. CNN's David McKenzie explains.
goog cash4u: I want that 1 million dollar
Surely, without a job and desperate I know one can believe in anything, but before you start believing do some research on all those million easy money you will find out that the check they show is usually the same, same sports cars and same big houses.
Just need to take time whether it is google cash4u or other similar stories research research anyway they end up making alot of money selling their useless products.
googcash4u . com
I have been blogging for a long time and any time I see these like googcash4u get rich quick I search for reviews and so on just to laugh.
Tags: googcash4u . com ,googcash4u, googlecash4u