domenica 20 settembre 2009

Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation part 2 adsense account

Money Ideas for Grassroots organisation in my beloved Africa: You start Google AdSense Account and start making money by blogging and start helping your small grassroot initiative. Step by step and you will get there

Making money from adsense from your blogger free blogs, Wordpress or your grassroot initiative website whichever way think we are living in the time when the most important thing is learn to fish. Need just 10 minutes to open your account.

How to open google adsense account

The most important thing is to read well the Google AdSense program policies.

Then go to Google Adsense home page

Google adsense homepage here
google adsense

When you are there just click on the 'Sign Up Now'

-hen complete the online application by giving your blog or website URL and the language you will also need to provide your payment information to be able to receive the money you generate.

-Next step is to go to your account and get the advertising options like text ads and images etc.

Now create your ads you will get code to paste in your blog or website.

It will take google sometime before they can crawl the pages but it is ok trust google everything will be alright. You do not need to sit back yet. There is whole lots of information to benefit from. Make this blog your daily stop to see more help that will be coming your way.

Read and follow Google AdSense policies.
If you violate any of the policies risk seeing your account being cancelled.
It will take some time perfect your google skills but with this blog I will research for you every bit of information that can help your grassroot initiative grow with Google.

Keep Reading

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